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Archive for the ‘New Books’ Category
Monday, September 18th, 2006

Remember hanging out with your dad when you were little? Did you go to a ball game? Did you read a book together? Did he help you with your homework? Papa’s Opera is the true story of the day Karl and his dad went to see an opera called The Magic Flute. Karl’ s dad wrote all the music. Karl’ s dad is Mozart. How cool is that?
To find out more and purchase signed copies, please visit:
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Friday, August 4th, 2006

On a grand, flamboyant scale, Mozart struggled with the same big questions that await every artist: Where does my creativity come from? Am I loved? Is my art loved? What will happen if I give everything I’ve got? Mozart’s life holds a lesson for all of us: There’s only one way to find out what will happen if you pull out all the stops. Get to know the man behind the music through the eyes of Aloysia Weber, the woman who broke his heart and sang his music. I wrote and illustrated this 142 page book to celebrate Mozart’s 250th birthday.
To find out more about this project, and to order signed copies, please visit:
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Saturday, January 1st, 2005
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a safe and joyful holiday season. I thought I would celebrate the new year with a new book, so here it is – hot off the presses! Words With Wings is a collection of my favorite pages from my private illuminated journals (1994-2004). It also contains explanations of how I put the pages together and some ideas on how to start your own illuminated journal.
Journaling is what I do behind the scenes when I’m not making “real†books. Words With Wings is the direct result of the journal workshop I taught this summer at Arts for the Soul, an arts retreat for adults in Steamboat Springs, CO. The artists, writers, and musicians got used to me scribbling away in the corner with my paints & pens during lectures, concerts or lunches. Then the director started asking if I was going to publish my journals. I had never really considered that before. Thanks to his encouragement, I found a way to share my previously private illuminated journals with you. Maybe you will be inspired to illuminate the story of your own life.
Purchase Words With Wings now!
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Sunday, September 1st, 2002
Announcing the publication of Saguaro Moon: A Desert Journal! This is the story of Megan, a girl whose family moves from the Midwest to the Sonoran Desert. What new wildlife will she discover? What new friends will she make? The Sonoran Desert has more interesting life forms than you might suspect…
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